Thursday 16 October 2014


Overheard conversation.

'Don't worry Alice,' she consoles. 'Maybe we can get you a new mummy.'



'I wish that Reuben would turn into a pumpkin turnip. A SMALL pumpkin turnip.'


Office chat. On moving to a larger home.

'I was only ever going to have one child.'

'But you fell at the first hurdle there!'

Oh thank you. Random work colleague. For remembering. That there were two babies, all these years later.

I didn't say anything. I think you felt awkward. But I smiled.


  1. I love seeing pics of your children, and now reading the words they say; and I love that your colleague not only remembered but said so. Love to you. xo

  2. Oh, I love that colleague. For remembering. That there were two babies. There ARE two babies. Only one - you may not overhear.

    And Mary Beth! Such a pleasure to "see" you. So, so, so miss you and others who wrote around the same time. As I've said, feels like a class that graduated and left and has no reunions...although there is no ending in the graduation. The grief continues.

    xo CiM

  3. Every once in a while I will get cranky and/or very firm with Dot and she will wail, "You're a mean mommy! I want my nice mommy back!" As if there's a better version of me out there somewhere - I kind of wish there was, some days. And there really should be a children's book about a girl who changed her brother into a turnip.

    I'm glad your colleague remembered.
